Tokyo Area Golf Courses

Japanese Golf Model

In Japan, Golfing is a very popular sporting hobby. There are over 2500 golf courses throughout the country and many are located close to Tokyo. The Golf courses in Japan can range from the most basic to some of the highest quality in the world and Golfing in Japan is a more expensive hobby than in most western countries. Here is a list of Tokyo Area Golf Courses.

Tokyo Area Golf Courses

The Windsor Park Golf and Country Club – Ibaraki

This is a budget-friendly course (for Japan) but it is good and very well maintained. It’s an hour’s drive along one of the biggest highways in Japan (Joban) located in the Ibaraki area, which is very green and mountainous, lush in spring and summer and has the typical yellow grass we see in Japanese winters. Location: 3473 Shiogo, Shirosato-machi, Higashi-Ibaraki-gun, Ibaraki Access: Tomobe Station, shuttle to the Club House. Please make reservations for the shuttle bus in advance. Shuttle Bus Booking Google Maps

Gotemba Golf Club – Shizuoka

Gotemba Golf Club is located in Shizuoka, close to the iconic Mt. Fuji. It is world-renowned for its lush green facilities, amazing views and is very popular. The views take in Mt. Fuji and the pacific ocean, making it a great scenic place. VIP service, the hotel is great and the food is top-notch. Tip: Have your concierge book in advance if you are staying at a hotel, or call or email them as early as possible because it is extremely popular when the weather is good. For a detailed explanation and review, please check the Golf in Japan site. Location: 2924-2 Koyama, Gotemba-shi, Shizuoka Access: From Airport HANEDA 90minutes/120km. NARITA 150minutes/180km From Railway Station Online Reservation (Japanese Only) Google Maps

Great Island Club – Chiba

Great Island Golf Club opened in 1972, during the boom time of Japanese golf. It has been updated but still has that old clubhouse feeling. Beautifully built with exceptional style and lush flowing greens it is a great place to impress and entertain, the service is top-notch and facilities world-class. For a detailed explanation and review, please check the Golf in Japan site. Location: 1782 Satsubo, Chonan-machi, Chosei-gun Chiba Access: Mobara Station, Shuttle bus to Great Island Golf Club. Please make a reservation in advance. Google Maps

Moonlake Golf Club – Chiba

Located close on the east side of Tokyo bay, Moonlake Golf Club is a favorite in Tokyo. it is an extremely well-maintained course. This course can be very busy so if you are staying at a hotel, please have your concierge call and make a booking and organize transportation (no English help sorry), but once you are there there are no problems getting around. They have a night course which is well lit and popular in summer. For a detailed explanation and review, please check the Golf in Japan site. Location: 1647 Nagao, Mobara-shi Chiba Access: Anegasaki Station, Bus, 43 min walk Google Maps

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高校の同級生と午前中に、海ほたる、木更津アウトレットに寄って、2時半から、ムーンレイクゴルフクラブ鶴舞でラウンドして来ました⛳️ 初メンバー、久しぶりに会う高校の同級生とドキドキのラウンド? 褒め上手な友達、教え上手な友達とおしゃべりしながら、楽しいラウンドでした? 途中から夕暮れ、月を見ながらのナイターゴルフに⛳️ 夜になるとフェアウェイにタヌキ、サルもいてナイターゴルフは怖いような楽しいような?昼間とは違った雰囲気で、おもしろかったです? ドライバー、UTは気持ち良く打てました? 課題のアプローチはピンを見て打つよりもボールの落とし所を見て打つことが大事と教わり、イメージが変わりました? ラウンドにいっぱい行って、アプローチ上手くなりたいです? ゴルフという共通のスポーツで久しぶりにまた、会えるようになって嬉しい1日でした? また、練習頑張って?一緒にラウンドしたいです? #ゴルフ #ゴルフ女子 #ゴルフ初心者 #ナイターゴルフ #春ゴルフ #千葉 #ムーンレイクゴルフクラブ #ゴルフ動画 #ゴルフ大好き #ゴルフ難しい #ゴルフコース #ゴルフラウンド #ゴルフ日和 #ゴルフ好きな人と繋がりたい #上手くなりたい #ゴルフウエア #ルコック #楽しい #ドライバーショット #アプローチ #golf #golfgirl #golfcourse #lovegolf #instagolf #golfing #enjoygolf #pearlygates #enjoy #golfswing

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Aqualine Golf Club – Chiba

This is an easy course that is great for beginners. Only 60 minutes away from Tokyo, Yokohama, and Kawasaki, strategically constructed using natural trees, and carefully laying out the bunkers and ponds. This is a great way to spend an afternoon or introduce new players to the game. Great facilities and friendly staff. This course is run by Accordia Golf companyLocation: 4345−3 Mariyatsu, Kisarazu, Chiba Access: Kisarazu Station, 30 min taxi Google Maps

Wakasu Golf Links – Koto City

This is an 18 hole course close to Tokyo that has a great view of the ocean and the buildings/skyline of Tokyo. This is not the hardest course, but its fun. Facilities: Holes/Par 18/72, Practice Range 20 bays, 200 yards. Location: 35 Wakasu, Koto-ku Tokyo Access: Shin-Kiba Station, Special bus golf course, the bus leaves every 30 minutes, check here. Google Maps

Tokyo Kokusai Country Club – Machida

Tokyo Kokusai Country Club (C.C.) is located in Machida, the west side of Tokyo about a 30 to 45 min drive or train during peak traffic times. It is owned and operated by the Chateraise Group, which has about 20 courses across Japan Facilities: Holes/Par 18/72, Practice Range 15 bays, 200 yards. Location: 1668 Shimo-Oyamada-machi, Machida-shi, Tokyo. Access: Karakida Station, 15 min walk Google Maps

Hachioji Country Club

Close to Tokyo, the Hachioji Country Club offers a great close and easy option to get a game in. Facilities are good, the food is reasonable and the lush greens make you feel like your not so close to 30 million people. It is a popular overnight hotel option but bookings are essential in Spring and Summer. Facilities: Holes/Par 18/72, Practice Range 16 bays, 230 yards. Location: 2352 Kawaguchi-machi, Hachioji-shi Tokyo Access: Hachioji Station, then take the bus or taxi Google Maps

Sakuragaoka Country Club

Sakuragaoka Country Club is located about 30 min away from Shibuya on the west side of Tokyo. It is not cheap but for a day trip or overnight experience, it won’t let you down! Facilities: Holes/Par 18/72, Practice Range 60 bays, 250 yards. Location: 2985 Renkoji, Tama, Tokyo. Access: Seiseki-Sakuragaoka Station, then take a bus or taxi, Bus Schedule Google Maps

Showanomori Golf Course

The Showanomori Golf Course on the west side of Tokyo is a nice getaway and they have good facilities. The clubhouse offers very reasonable food and has a cafe/bar. Great beginner course, but not cheap. Facilities: Holes/Par 18/72, Practice Range 240 bays, 400 yards. Location: 1-1-7 Tsutsujigaoka, Akishima-shi Tokyo Access: Akishima Station, Shuttle bus service Google Maps

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Additional Resources

For a complete guide and rundown of Japanese golf courses, check the Golf in Japan website. For booking (in English), try JTB Golf, Golf Savers, and Air Golf. For booking in Japanese use Rakuten, you can try Google translate. 

Golf Courses Near Tokyo
Golf Courses Near Tokyo

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