Tokyo International Fast Food Chain Restaurants

International Fast Food & Chain Restaurants in Tokyo
Shake Shack - Cheese Fries, Double Cheese Burger, Veggie (mushroom) Burger, and 2 beers!

International Fast Food Chain Restaurants in Tokyo offer world-famous fast food options. Tokyo has a great selection of international chain restaurants throughout Tokyo and the surrounding areas. Most of the chain restaurants will have the same standard menus that they have in their home countries. However, many of the international chain restaurants will offer new menu items that have been specifically designed for the Japanese market or seasonal specials. Here is a list of Tokyo International Fast Food Chain Restaurants.

Tokyo International Fast Food Chain Restaurants

Hamburger Restaurants


McDonald’s is the most popular hamburger fast-food chain restaurant in the world. All the standard McDonald’s menu items are present along with Japanese style specials. Locations

McDonalds Shibuya Center-gai @Tokyo Live
McDonalds Shibuya Center-gai @Tokyo Live

Burger King

Burger King is a popular charbroiled hamburger restaurant. The menu has all the Burger King standards along with special menu promotions. Locations

Burger King Shibuya Center-gai @Tokyo Live
Burger King Shibuya Center-gai @Tokyo Live

Carl’s Jr’s

Carl’s Jr is a California charcoal hamburger chain. The Carl’s Jr menu selections are the same in Japan as its United States stores and the food portions are large sized. Locations

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Shake Shack

Shake Shack is a popular high-end New York hamburger based chain restaurant. This is a premium-priced fast food restaurant that serves high-quality foods. Locations

International Fast Food & Chain Restaurants in Tokyo
Shake Shack, Veggie Burger (Mushroom), Double Cheese Burger, Hot Dog, and tea!

Wendy’s/First Kitchen

Wendy’s American fast-food giant and the Japanese restaurant chain First Kitchen formed a partnership. The combination stores now offer a limited Wendy’s and First Kitchen menu at the same locations. Locations

Mexican Restaurants

Taco Bell

Taco Bell serves Americanized Mexican fast food. The Japan shops have a similar menu of what you would find at Taco Bell restaurants around the world. Locations

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Guzman y Gomez

Guzman y Gomez is an Australian, Mexican fast-food chain restaurant. They offer a premium-priced menu with all the standard Mexican fast food dishes. Locations

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Other Restaurants


One of the most popular fast-food sandwich chain restaurants in the world. Subway offers fast service and reasonably priced sandwiches made to order. Locations

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KFC serves fried chicken, sandwiches, and meals. It is very, very popular around Christmas time in Japan, as the roast chicken specials have become a traditional holiday meal in Japan. Locations

KFC Sangenjaya @ Tokyo Live
KFC Sangenjaya @ Tokyo Live

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